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WHAT: The Leadership Series is a plethora of events sponsored by PLS to help you develop your leadership and professional development skills.  


WHO: These events are hosted in collaboration with our student organizations and UIC COP departments as part of the series. 


WHY: This series will help you to develop important skills that will advance your career beyond classroom learning. This is a great opportunity to get your foot in the door if you are unsure how to begin getting involved on campus. The certificate is also a great addition to your CV!


HOW: Requirements to receive the Leadership & Professional Development Series Certificate: 


  1. Attendance of at least 8 Leadership Series events throughout the school year.

  2. Participation in one additional professional development session, conference, or research project on your own.

  3. Participation in a leadership role that contributes to the college community (EBoard member, actively involved paid member, committee member, etc.)

WHERE: Events will be advertised as having ‘PLS Credit’ or being PLS-sponsored. Qualifying students will receive the Leadership & Professional Development Series Certificate and be recognized at the Annual Student Pharmacist Leadership Ceremony in the spring. 

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